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Thiago Gomes Nascimento is Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Professional Master's in Strategic Management of Organizations at the IESB Center Universitary. Professor and Full Researcher at the Graduate Program in Organizational, Work and Social Psychology by the University of Brasilia (Brazil). Collaborate as a Professor at Higher Institute of Police Sciences Brazil. He obtained his Ph.D. in Management Sciences by the Doctoral School of Economics and Management, University of Aix-Marseille - France, and his Doctor degree in Business Administration by the University of Brasília - Brazil. Currently, as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Organizational Psychology at the University of Brasília, supported by the FAP-DF, he is working on the dynamics of emergence, focused on cognition and cohesion in work teams. He has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Public Administration, focused on Criminology, at the Centre for Public Policy and Administration  - School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lisbon - Portugal. He teaches courses and supervise researches at graduate and undergraduate levels. He coordinates the POLIS - Research Group on Police and Criminal Prevention and the LIG - Brazilian Lab of Innovation and Management. He has expertise in Psychology (organizational and social), Management (organizational studies) and Criminology (environmental and compared). His research include two lines: 1) Organizational studies - organizational culture (organizational values and organizational practices), professional and organizational identity, work performance and its predictors, performance management and competences in organizations of the public sector; 2) Study on police, criminal prevention, public security; violence, antisocial and criminal behaviors. His papers have been published in several Brazilian and International journals. 


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Nascimento, T. G., & Souza, E. C. L. (2017). Escala Tri-Fatorial da Identidade Social (ETIS): Evidências de sua Adequação Psicométrica. Psico-USF (Impresso), 22(2), 217-234. doi. 10.1590/1413-82712017220203.  Link

Recent Research Project / Projeto de Pesquisa Recente


Cognições Compartilhadas em Equipes de Trabalho Policial. Link

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